Again and Again

By Ripitup


Heading towards the end of another calendar year at work (my 20th in the same place) I have leave to take, with limited windows to do it.  

A day with no solid plans began with a swim.  The still surface, for me, more than compensated for the lack of sunshine and the water was a reasonable depth.  2 of the 3 other swimmers were people I hadn't met before and the one I'd met before was someone I'd not spoken to much.
The pre swim chat was with K;an 'almost retired' ex headmistress,  who majored in maths and works with teaching assistants a few weeks a year. K has recently moved to Essex and we talked about local walks and parkrun.

Afterwards I chatted with F now works 3 jobs, having been forced to quit a job as a fitness instructor due to arthritis.  At the end of the chat I suggested that something positive appeared to have come from what could have been a potentially difficult change of path and was thanked for reflecting that back.

Swimmer number 3 was T. A remote worker who declared early in our conversation to be 'skiving' from work, having set up something so as to appear to still be at their desk.

I am careful to account fully for any non working time that is more than what you'd take for a quick break. A 30 minute round trip in the car, plus time in and out of the water, is outside that self imposed parameter.  It gave me much to reflect on 

The remainder of the day was spent outside too.  I washed the dirt off Hank, went for a walk with MrRIU and tidied the garden some more.

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