Came with the sun
I arrived at the Inpatient Unit at almost the exact time that the sunrise was visible. The photo was taken when I was still walking from Grafton Station to the Unit. The dark clouds increase my pleasure from looking at the photo.
As well as reviewing the care of some of the patients, and dealing with two Mental Health Act matters, I was able to read a Swedish paper on the association of kidney failure and the taking of lithium, including making some notes of the implications. Despite a slightly increased rate of Chronic Kidney Disease (4th level - of 5), it does look from this observational study that progress to end-stage kidney failure is not significantly more likelyif the patient continues or stops lithium. My interpretation of how to provide best care is to respond to the signs suggestive of kidney disease by decreasing the dose of lithium, rather than stopping it completely.
The Associate Minister of Education just happens to be the leader of the ACT party and about to become the Deputy Prime Minister. He made no secret of his opposition to the provision of free school lunches, and has created a dysfunctional failure by taking the contracts away from businesses in the same locality as the school, and having a single contract with an overseas company, in the process halving the cost of the lunch. Problems have repeatedly arisen (called teething problems by Mr Seymour). These include being too hot (one boy was burnt when a pie fell on his leg), or too cold, or late in arriving (by hours) or not arriving at all, and generally being unappetising and of dubious 'goodness'.
Compass (the overseas company) had handed the job of providing the meals to a subsidiary company of theirs and that company has now gone into voluntary liquidation. It is tempting to think that Mr Seymour (who says that he is not worried about the liquidation, and says he is confident it will actually turn out to be a good thing) will use this to justify canning the provision of school lunches.
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