My School Jubilee
Sadly I never got to it but a friend who was in my class came for lunch today on their way back up north. It was so great to see her and her brother and their spouses. They left the book here for me to read. When I was six and a half I shifted from a little country school of twenty plus pupils to the school pictured on the front of this book
I can still feel how nervous I was going up the path into the unknown. The friend I made that day stayed my closest friend until she died of cancer aged 70. I sat with her every night for the last ten days. I still miss her. Our other friend came to that school when she was eight and we were a trio of friends all our lives. She just died this past year and I guess that’s why I never made more of an effort to go to the reunion. I am sitting here feeling so sad just remembering the two of them
I have had back to back visitors all day. Lucky me but wish they had all been on different days so I could have enjoyed them individually
Early this morning I took photos of the hares down in the paddock but they ended up being to distant so I was lucky I thought of using this book as a blip. So so many memories
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