
By biddy

Good morning sunshine! 8:10 a.m.

Beautiful beginning to the day,
I wandered into the back bedroom a bit earlier, after being to the bathroom, and took the photo.
I also hope I haven’t inadvertently given everyone the impression that doing the recovery bit is a piece of cake!
I just prefer not to write about certain aspects of the process.
Having said all that and having gone through this before several months back now, I can say that that the first week has to be worked at, doing the exercises, but trying to remember to make sure I rest as well!
Yes there is pain involved but it can be controlled when it gets too much,
The multiplicity of meds at my bedside are testament to that fact,
There are frustrations with the limitations, as my lovely hubby knows only too well!
But they pass.
My photos may be limited but your comments are so encouraging and welcome, Thankyou.
I can have a shower today! Looking forward to that very much!
As I write this sitting up in bed having had my breakfast, the sky has clouded over quite a bit.
But I can see glimmers of the beginning of fresh green on the flowering cherries in the school grounds, where daffodils are all out by the main school gates.

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