Home Schooling.
Quite a lot of schools have managed to re-open today.
But 309 state schools and 126 independent schools remain closed, ours was one of them.
So, we are doing a little bit of schoolwork every day.
Mia is doing spelling as well as reading a book. And I found a book with some exercises she can do as well.
Isabella is reading a book and doing some exercises from an old exam book.
I'm not that good at Maths, but we've been playing shops which has been good for them learning to count change.
The school has been quite badly damaged, especially with a lot of water damage. Quite a number of classrooms have been affected.
The children can go back to school tomorrow, but it will only be supervised play, which means they won't actually be doing any work.
At the moment Mia wants to go back, and Isabella doesn't.
We'll see what the morning brings.
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