
By WharfedaleBex

B12 buzzing

Strangely, this time seven years ago, I was setting out discovering the first of a few vitamin deficiencies, one after the other. In Lanzarote in 2018, I thought it must be mineral loss but eventually doctors found ferritin to be amiss. Just before I came out, I had a blood test and B12 was low. Within a day of taking super powered B12 under my tongue, I thought I was feeling an improvement but plumped for wishful thinking. A week on and I’m bouncing off the walls (OK, almost!) But, in comparison to that trip and my recent sluggishness on and off my bike, it’s a ridiculously good transformation. 

Needless to say, we’ve had a fantastic day on a trip to the north east of the island, through Haría and up to Mirador Del Rio. We didn’t do the extra coastal loop this time, plumping for some different roads - mostly spectacular. 

Interestingly (for me!), I took a photo at the entrance to Haría from the same spot as our last trip because I was convinced they hadn’t had the same spring soaking that was big news that year. Sure enough, it looks pretty parched in comparison although there were still plenty of flowers and butterflies around.

The only dodgy part was a couple of miles of coastal bike path (one bit where we were diverted through a scrubland track as they were doing maintenance) but that improved considerably as it got to Arrecife. 

Food was a success with a great cafe in Teguise on the way up and then on the way in Mala where Rich put away chicken and chips! 

Even time for sitting in the sun outside the apartment for three-quarters of an hour before showers and dinner. 

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