Well of the Church Field
I've had the sort of day I love! First I went over the hill to get the hair sorted and M and I got chatting about wells, as you do! She remarked that she had another client who was also interested and they had been discussing Meevane Well. Oops, I misidentified that one, I said. Yes, that's what T said, replied M. What did he know where the real one was? To cut a long story short, it seemed T did indeed know where the well was and had recently been tidying it up - we abandoned the blow dry and M sent forth a volley of texts to T. How very bizarre for after my appointment I was intending to go and try to find this well and had all the info about me. No answer from T but, once the hair was sorted, I decided to dally forth and try and find the well anyway. I ended up at the wonderfully named Fairy Fort Farm where I met J and his dogs - he of course knew T and had in fact helped him with he tidying up (keep up!) . J was charming and gave me instructions how to find said well and I left some information.Are you able for sheep wire? he inquired. Certainly was the answer. First I went to examine the fairy fort which was highly impressive with massive walls still remaining, Then I went in search of the well, the new hair do destroyed by crawling through blackthorn hedged, clambering of sheep wire (several times) and finding myself on the wrong side of a fast flowing stream (twice) all the while watched by curious sheep. Anyway, I found the site and was thrilled, Now it may not look much and the well has actually gone (that scattering of stones - see extra) but the unusual and remarkable stone (the cup mark could be Bronze Age) complete with coin offerings remains. The well was said to cure warts and J told me stories of a local couple who would always come here on their birthdays, bringing pop and buns. I'm so glad I found it.
It fits the bill for Jenny's TT challenge two - mineral. The stone must be some sort of sandstone and the offerings suitably metallic mixtures.
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