
By Shutterup

Before and after, under and over

I am slightly daunted by the garden just now. My back does not allow me to do much at all but a friend reminded me that just 10 minutes a day (albeit in 1,2,3, or 4 sessions) will make a difference. So today is a collage of a before and after in this tiny corner. I had just emptied the cattle trough of as many rotten leaves as I could and was sitting on the bench looking at this beautiful little hellebore in the corner. I took a photo as the light on the petals and on the forcer was drawing my eye and then I realised how much nicer it would look if I spent a couple of minutes taking away the dead bits and bobs around there. .. and then took another photo. This is slow progress but I could then sit on the bench in the sun and enjoy the view without feeling so disappointed and overwhelmed. I have left the leaves on the hellebore and some brown leaves around the base for now to protect the hosta which is behind the forcer. The frost would play havoc.. so a few more weeks and I will remove the old leaves and treat them with coffee grounds to deter the slugs. Infact I might even divide the hosta this year as it is pretty large and  it might look nice in other parts of the garden too. 
Little by little. I also weeded the gravel around the cars and potted up some pink lychnis I sowed last year and that I had forgotten about. Now for a comfy sit on the sofa with a cup of tea.. 
Out tonight to have supper with friends on a barge.. that will be fun!

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