Dawn Chorus
It's been a busy, busy day and I've earned every penny... sadly none of the jobs I do nowadays is paid in actual negotiable currency but I'm bound to be paid in the next life, right?
I chaired the quarry liaison meeting this morning before heading to my Clerk's house to collect the bank statements - and lo, after a month she was home from hospital! Such good news.
Then a meeting with the Parish Clerk from a neighbouring parish who is locum'ing for us this evening, to go over the Agenda for the meeting that is in about an hour or so as I type.
That'll take me into the late evening, when I will be able to relax... ahem. All self inflicted, what can I say?
The evening light is currently golden hour'ing across the playing field outside my study window, but I was very taken with this robin, in ridiculously red attire, singing its heart out.
I've not deliberately boosted the red, but hidden under shady vegetation I think the camera and the process have between them decided it should be a red red robin, even though it's not actually bobbing along.
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