I would be nothing without you
The days just keep getting better.
As part of my recovery I have had access to a programme called Silver cloud.
With Silver Cloud Access comes a one-to-one once a month with my own Psychologist. I can't even remember what I said to her the first call, second call I had a panic attack while she was on the phone, because evil work colleague was mailing me.
I worked through 12 sections, and as I worked through them, I wrote notes. I reviewed it last week after a break of a couple of weeks, and i re-read notes I made in the first few weeks, which I did not recognise as me. My head was not in a good place.
I re-read through it today, and told my lovely Psychologist, I needed no further follow up. I am officially better. Not without medication, but I'll keep taking it until I feel confident enough to withdraw slowly.
I am now in a good enough place to know what made me ill, and how I will go about avoiding it in the future.
I also know that I have the Husband of husbands.
Today, He went out into the garden to start building the Green house.
Oh dearie me.
While he built the frame, I made cookies (see extra). I gave him coffee and a cookie, after the frame was together. (I helped a bit) .
Then it was re-reading the instructions before he put the lid on.
Then it was re-reading the instructions before we tried putting in the glass.
Then it was email the company to say that we had no H parts to insert the glass. Do you know they emailed back within 2 minutes and said "check the box with the vent in it". And low and behold they were there.
Three peices of glass in, and the stress and the cold wind was starting to get to us.
We'll do the rest tomorrow (I laughingly say "we" you know who did the bulk of the work) .
I took a trip into town to drop a parcel off. Aren't these locker things brilliant. No label, just a scan code, and off the parcel goes.
And I also did some painting.
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