For the family

By RonaMac


Craft group this afternoon was a blessing for restoring my sanity after a stressful event this morning.

I have an appointment booked for an investigation at one of the cardiac clinics in Derby Hospital next Monday. The letter gives details about parking as they are building a new multi-storey car park on site and have closed off most of the existing parking area in the meantime.

B was having a bout of vertigo and was very wobbly. It made me realise that he wouldn’t be able to drive if this happens next week and I wouldn’t be able to go alone. The last time I had an appointment I was given transport.

There was a statement in the letter providing a telephone number to book transport if required. I spent almost an hour waiting on line for the call to be answered. With a voice message being repeated over and over again!!!
When I got through I was told that I had gone through to the wrong number and was given an alternative number. I rang that one and explained the situation. I was then asked if I had cancer. Not to my knowledge !!! In which case I can’t have transport!!! I just don’t understand it. I was steaming !!!! I hate to think how much it will have cost me hanging on for the first call to be answered :0(

Fingers crossed that B is ok next week otherwise I’ll need to ring to cancel the appointment and reschedule the investigation.

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