Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Today was cooler, as expected, but at least it did not rain. Actually having said that, our garden actually needs rain as it has not rained for some time now,and it is looking very dry. All my tulips that are coming out look in desperate need of water.

I had to upload my next camera club competition entries this morning, I always struggle choosing which images to enter so I hope I made good choices this time. This was followed by a walk where I photographed the blossoms, easier to photograph white blossoms on a cloudy day as the light is softer.

On the advice of the physio I am now using an ergonomic kneeling chair. Gavin has used a standing desk for years, but I get back ache if I stand for too long so this chair is meant to be the answer for helping my lower back pain. 

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