A day in the life

By Shelling


Björnhovda is the name of the place I live on my island. The name beans Bears head and was one of the islands largest villages, or gathering of farms, often under a chief with a lot of influence and power. It was situated along the main north to south road with a view over the sound between the island and the mainland which must have been a strategic place of great importance. In the area are lots and lots of graves from 4-500 AD, most of them are now destroyed by farming. 

My house is close to where the old village once was but during the centuries the village has moved several times, perhaps because of new power structures, and sometime during early 1400, the village moved a km westwards from the top of the hill to the bottom of it. This is the main street through the village, now called Björnhovdagatan, to the left is my landlords house. 

I like it better where I live, close to the top of the hill, with a view and closer to the ancient Björnhovda.

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