……………………………..zinc and magnesium to be exact.
One of those days…I didn’t sleep well at all last night, it was very cold and the sciatica was playing up in my legs. However I got up this morning ready to clean the fridge out. The only way to get the shelves out is by pulling it right out, I did this and chucked everything in the dishwasher and switched it on. Having cleaned the fridge out and cleaned behind it I put it back in place and put the wine and spirit stash back on top…then realised I wouldn’t be able to get the shelves back in!!! Decided I needed to eat so made some porage…two attempts later I actually got something to eat having totally mucked up my water measuring! I did manage to pull the fridge out again without removing the alcohol! This afternoon was spent more quietly. Giving camera club a miss this evening as I’d probably nod off during the talk, need to check now to see if it’s being shown over Zoom.
Thanks to Jensphotos for hosting Tiny Tuesday.
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