taking a nap…
…with her mama
the boo
as we were spending - time on the sofa - snuggling together which - is by far one of the - best things the boo - does with her mama - especially now as i’m - recovering with my leg - i thought i’d try to snap - some shots of her - quiet like you know - so she wouldn’t get - annoyed with me
well there she was - drifting off into a nap - not really stretched out - yet but more in - a side portrait pose - and i just thought it would be ideal - so snap snap - and i had this gorgeous - head capture of her - all tender and quiet - and peaceful in a way - only kittie-boo’s can achieve - it’s truly a wonder - to watch them sleep - i wish i could abandon - myself to sleep - in such a fashion - but watching the boo - always makes it…
happy day…..
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