Revolutionary Art.
I was back at the museum this morning, doing my usual digitising the photos of a well known Swindon photographer.
This new exhibition opened today. It’s a belter!
Virginia Woolf, 1931 (Cast in 1973)
Stephen Tomlin (1901-37)
The Bloomsbury Group was a collective of artists and writers, friends and family. Virginia Woolf was the sister of Vanessa Bell. The group often made portraits of one another.
Woolf was a reluctant, restless sitter. The bust is unfinished as Woolf would not allow Tomlin enough sittings. He rushed to capture as much as he could. The end result is expressive and, according to her nephew Quentin Bell, 'far more like her than any of the photographs'.
Woolf became an important writer of the 20th century. When the bust was completed in 1931, she had already published many books, including the feminist text A Room of One's Own.
Groups: Friday Club, Bloomsbury Group
Purchased, 1976
I had a FaceTime call with my brother and Dad this morning. There was a remarkable change in him today. He was chatting to us and reminiscing about old cars that he owned. It was quite astonishing. We can only hope that this is the way it will be from now on.
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