Boomerang Buzzard
I was worried that the buzzards were not going to stick with the nest. They can have a few they use and can choose a different one. The nest has been empty for the last 3 days.
But… today, I saw one fly to the nest. Then another. Then another!
Yes… 3.
There was a lot of flapping of wings. At first, I wondered whether there was competition for the female from two males. Then I realised that they were not fighting in the nest. Mum and Dad were trying their best to “ensure” there would be eggs laid again this year.
Except for last year’s chick, who had turned up as well!
Talk about a passion-killer!
It obviously felt it was still part of the family group. It remains to be seen how long Mum & Dad keep him around. It is normal now for the teenager to be chased away.
Extra pic is of Mum & Dad flying off - with last year’s chick in hot pursuit!
This might be interesting!
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