By Yorkshirebred

Bus Pass Walk

After 3 months of not actually walking with the BPWs today was the day to get back to it. Knee is much better, but still not completely back to normal, especially going downhill or sitting in restricted places. So, we caught 2 buses to East Riddlesden Hall where we had refreshments in the cafe. Beautiful array of daffs and hellebores in the grounds.  We then crossed over to the canal towpath and set off back towards Bingley. K & I had options to leave at various points if we felt we were overdoing it. We decided to come off at Morton Lane and walked down to the main road and along to a bus stop. The others continued along the towpath and we joined them at The Loft Cafe for lunch. Rain had been forecast and we felt a few spots as we left East Riddlesden Hall, but it didn't come to anything. You can see in the photo the black clouds we left behind and the blue skies we were heading towards. It was bitterly cold though - a bit of a shock after fairly mild temperatures over the last few days! Have booked a different "outing" for us all in April. As part of the Bradford City of Culture events a "moving cinema" is visiting various locations to show several different films. The lorry trailer containing a cinema holds 100 people. It is coming to a local garden centre so we have booked to see "Conclave" for the princely sum of just £1 each! We do like a bargain in Yorkshire! :-)

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