Last night
Lovely sunny & quite hot today, until 3ish when it started to cloud over…… that was our cue to go u to our apartment to start our packing:-/
Got most of it done, then showers & chill for an hour or so…… we decided to go out for dinner a bit earlier than normal.
First a sundowner as we watched the sunset over La Gomera for the last time:-/ Then a stroll to decide where to have dinner, we opted for La Brasserie. Argentinian steak & burger, a nice glass of rioja, a dessert & a coffee…… before a wander to let our food ‘go down’ . We were hoping to find some live entertainment but nothing worth listening to…. so much kareoke & miming :-(
Opted for a taxi back to our resort….dead as a dodo, one couple in the restaurant, listening to a chap playing a keyboard….. one drink for us then back up to our apartment……packing all but done, coffee & a bit of tv before bed.
A nice 10 days but think that’s the last Tenerife visit ……. time to make new memories & find “our places” :-)
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