
By Woolley

Residents at Bosherton Lakes

Had a very different day today starting with trying to get me to see an optician! I have been seeing floaters and strange nets in front of my left eye and was unsure whether to get it seen! We managed to talk to an optician who could not see me but said I should be checked or go to ED, but then i remembered that specsavers will normally see you as a walk in if it is necessary!

Judy drove me to Pembroke dock where the nearest specsavers was and they agreed to see me! Eye tests and scans later with eye drops to relax the muscles, which really sting for forty seconds, and then told that there was nothing to be seen in the eye, definitely no retinal detachment and therefore I am okay to drive home from Cardiff tomorrow! Thank the Lord!

After that excitement we came back to change for a walk around Bosherton lakes. Not all of them but a good stretch. In the summer they are full of water lilies but at this time of year they are very clear and lined on one side by reed beds blowing in the breeze and glowing gold in the sunlight! At one point at the beginning of the walk I actually fell over which made me realise that my sight was not back to normal after the drops and also that I really need to use poles on uneven ground. Very frustrating! When we got back Judy did her chanting and then we prepared dinner, a green salad followed by bolognaise, vege for Judy and meat for me then scrabble which was quite every balanced when we stopped to watch part three of Pride and Prejudice to wind down for bed! Back to carfmdiff then a drive home tomorrow!

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