An EB to send to the Caña Club WhatsApp chat as we're a far flung group these days. Not long after this pic, Danny and Nate arrived post football training, and Michelle and Charlie arrived too. A lovely evening together.
The day was a full one. An early start to bus it to Alanna's for a meeting with the elders. A good but long morning together. I was glad of the bus journey home for a moment of quiet!
Asha had Catalán and Maths this afternoon with Mery, so I had a tea with Claire who lives opposite. Lovely to have that bit of time, especially as we get to sit on her roof and look at the sea as we talk.
Today I'm grateful for;
1) 2 new people joining the leadership team, bringing freshness and new perspectives.
2) Blue sky again.
3) Baked camembert and roasted cherry tomatoes plus good bread... A special tea with Danny who will be away for a few days from Thursday morning.
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