
By RadioGirl

Not Quite Rosy Yet

I’m still rather out of kilter after the two weeks with no heating and hot water, and then having the new boiler installed on Saturday. And of course Monday was different to the usual run of things too. I normally go and visit Hazel in the care home every other Tuesday, but needed to get a big grocery shop (which I usually do very early on Saturdays). The afternoon was spent doing general clearing up. The main bedroom is currently clogged with even more stuff, as I can’t put things back into the airing cupboard until the rest of the pipework has been finished in there. It’s all very disheartening, but I’ve just got to keep plodding onwards.

I went to the first Lent Course session at St Luke’s in the evening. The overall theme this year is ‘A Christian Look at the Environment’, an interesting and relevant topic for discussion. There were ten of us in the group, which is just about the right size. I think the group on Thursdays usually has a similar number of people too.

The perfect roses pictured are - in case you hadn’t guessed - a ‘Supermarket Steal Special’ courtesy of Sainsbury’s. I regularly spend a small fortune in there, so I reckon the least they can do is provide me with subject matter for the odd blip.

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