Capital adventures

By marchmont


I spent the morning doing admin, in particular setting up a new booking account and updating a spreadsheet.  There being no food in the house I went down to Jaya foe essential supplies and apparently failed to see #1 son. 2 days ago it was WH!

After lunch/brunch (cheese sandwich) I went to the pool here and swam and lay in the sun, once t appeared overhead and read a bit of my book.  Luckily I checked my phone as there was an urgent call out to come next door to look after Amelia.  #1 son's car had died again and WH needed to go pick up Olivia but Amelia had to stay for her Chinese lesson.  Quick change and I was over there but not for long as the things got sorted (new battery) with the Proton and WH was able to return quite quickly.

The sun had disappeared by this time and I went back to GK for my video catch up with S before she leaves for Islay on Saturday. She's accomplished more in 3 months in Edinburgh than I've done in xxx years.  Outside it was wild with rain, thunder and lightening, though not as bad as last Friday.  Apparently then at least one window unit fell out (17th floor) and crashed down near the Guard Post in HK.  There are warning notices in  the lift now re checking windows. 

After that I did some sorting in prep for the packing and realised the chains I bought yesterday don't work.  Dinner over the way was salad and a lot of fresh mango.  I came home in a bit of a drizzle and watched the rest of Point Zero. We are still trying to sort the weekend's Korean BBQ, what with Ramadan, WH's and #2 son's commitments and school night it is fraught. 

As not much of note happened today the ecb is Kitty.  She's nearly 5.  When I first met her in 2022 she wouldn't let me get anywhere near her, spat and growled and lashed out with her claws.  She's still not a lap cat but today she was happy to sleep on the sofa as I sat beside her with my book. Progress!  The extra was actually taken yesterday, Mum being filmed by the British Legion for the 80th anniversary of VE Day. 

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