Life in Canada

By MissMacPic

A Muse

Hello!!! I had the time today to browse this lovely site.  I miss many of you, and being able to "peek" into your daily lives through your photos and journals.
Just before Christmas, I was called in to the principal's office and asked if I would mind taking on a new student.  He had been at our school for a year and a half, but his behaviour had regressed. Non-verbal, autism, sickle cell anemia, O.C.D....
Augmentative communication and autism are right up my alley, so I was more than happy to teach this little guy. What I have discovered in the past two months, is that he is extremely smart, a reader, a keen sense of humour, and he is definitely a worker! As well, his behaviour was his form of communication. Sadly, the more stressed he became when people misunderstood him, the more pain he would be in, which became a vicious cycle.
I am excited to see what the future holds for him.  In the meantime, he loves my camera so I am thrilled.  This is by far the more serious photo I have ever taken!
I hope that this finds you all well.  Take care.  It is a very strange time in our world at the present...

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