Bald Eagle

By JohnJD

The Laziest Blip

It was almost 20.45 and I hadn't taken a photograph all day. I don't particularly like using flash so I nipped out into the garden before the light went completely and snapped this hydrangea which sits in a pot outside the door.

I spent today doing my guided tours. There was a family group of three brothers, the youngest of whom was about 3, in one of the parties. Considering they were so young they were great on the tour and were very well behaved throughout the hour long tour. When the tour was finished I took them back through the house to collect their bags from the vestibule where they had left them. Including their picnic lunch. I joked with the little chap if I could share their picnic with them. He proceeded to tell me everything that they had brought with them.

Later in the afternoon, when I was out of costume and walking through the house, he came up to me and told me all about their picnic lunch. The next time I saw him was when they were about to leave, he ran over to say cheerio and insisted that I gave him a high five. That made my day.

Sorry about the boring blip. Will try harder tomorrow.

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