
By Woolley

Lucy with Lydia

Aiming to leave freshwater at 10am but actually left at about 11am and stopped immediately for breakfast at the on-site pub! We got back to Judy’s home at about 2pm after a couple of stops due to Judy getting cramp in her left hand! I did a bit of reflexology on the hand which helped thankfully! Quick pit stop at their house and picked up my new coat and a food container and then went on my merry way to Bristol to meet my Godson’s daughter Lucy, just five weeks old tomorrow!

She is a little snuggler when asleep but a wriggly live wire when awake! Got there at 20 to 4 and had a tea and a muffin and a lovely chat with Lydia and her mum and then left to drive home at about 6pm! Was very thankful for the anti glare glasses that I picked up at Judy’s because I had left them there last time by mistake!

Got home at 9pm having stopped once for a flat white and Mac and cheese and a comfort break! Looking forward to a good sleep! Have had a lovely few days and am off for dog sitting tomorrow!

The fireplace is in and looking good! Photo tomorrow!

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