In the roundabout
A bit of a nondescript morning - the most exciting thing being cleaning my bathroom, even washing the floor:-) Then I set off to north Bristol to have lunch in a vegan cafe with my nephew.
When I got to the bus stop, the bus I didn’t want was at the kerb letting people on, and the one I wanted sailed past it without stopping, despite my putting my hand out. I guess he didn’t see me. Anyhow the driver of the stopped bus said “get on and I’ll catch it!” A bit more James Bond than bus driver I felt:-) After a couple of sets of lights where the bus we were chasing got through and we didn’t, I said to him - please don’t worry, I’ll stick with you and walk the rest of the way. Which took me through the ‘Bear Pit’ - the subterranean criss cross of pathways under one of the big roundabouts in the centre. This was one of several lovely planters.
Being in a full double decker bus racing through the city in the bus lane had been quite an experience. I wonder whether he wanted to be a racing driver when he grew up. Fabulous food for lunch and a good catch up, though only an hour as he was on his working from home lunch break.
In the evening I meant to do various constructive things, but i decided to just do a couple of pieces of jigsaw, and hours later I was still there and it was time to go to bed.
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