
By fennerpearson

Faux silk purse

I started doing the 'photo a day' challenge on January 16th 2012. Firstly on my Tumblr account but then, since January 1st this year, here on Blipfoto.

I'm not saying there have been any amazing photos but there have been a few that I've been proud of and, really, it's more of an exercise in writing than anything else. But, even so, I do like to have a photo on each day and I haven't missed one yet.

But today was a close call. I've got to the evening before, late in the evening, and resorted to finding something around the house to photograph or even taken a self-portrait but it was after midnight when I suddenly realised I hadn't taken a photo all day.

After eighteen months, I had managed to get through a whole day without taking a photo. Distraught, I checked my camera: nothing. Desperate, I checked my 'phone: and there, thankfully, was one photo. It featured the hobs of my oven, a packet of bacon and a receipt from Booths. It must have been an accident but I can't imagine how I managed it.

So, here it is: reclaimed from a pig's ear but, even after some heavy editing, not quite a silk purse.

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