We got to the Barton Manor Hotel yesterday. Our room was quite small, but OK, except it was soo warm in their, even with the radiator turned off and the window opened. Too warm for us to sleep comfortably really. I do find that modern hotels, unless they have air con, do seem to get very stuffy.
Never mind though, we had a pleasant meal last night. Hubby had a really good breakfast this morning, nice and early, I just had granola and some toast.
We then set off early to avoid the build up of traffic and we were fairly successful in that. Got parked up OK and headed straight for the Radiotherapy department. It's a long walk, still that has to be good for us doesn't it!!?
My appointment was for 9.00 am but we were asked to be by 8.30, so we were there by 8.00, of course!!! I got called in about 8.50 and it was all done and dusted by about 9.10, very quick, efficient and friendly.
The good news is that my first radiotherapy session will be on Thursday 27th March but at 3.45 pm, that's quite late in the day for us, but so be it. She is going to get us booked into Bowland House apparently just for one night, then 4 nights the week after and two the week after that. The times will vary apprently, but that doesn't matter.
This should mean, barring any problems, that my final session with be on the 9th April, giving me two days to spare before we got to Fife!!!
I've no idea how I'm going to be but we can work around that, I hope!!!
So after all that we drove on down to Deepdale Retail Park and into the M&S coffee shop to let me catch my breath and phone my Mum and then Garron, also texted my Sister and S-i-L. Then for a bit of retail therapy, Hubby got a couple of things and I bought myself a nice new single breasted jacket to go with my dress for the wedding!!!
Then we just slowly made our way back home, stopping off at Barton Grange for a pootle round and then onto Beetham Nurseries for a spot of lunch.
Now home and relaxing. Next week I will have to start planning for our trip as once radiotherapy starts apparently you can get very tired so best to plan ahead.
That's all from me. Hope you like this camellia from the garden. Had to black out the background because it was sooo bright and reflective otherwise.
Do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.
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