
By WeeDragon_J


Wee trip to Lauriston Castle grounds for coffee and cake and catch up chat with nephew Calum before he heads up north again for another season of working at one of the hostels.

Car park was over full so had to park close by and walk.

Sat in the Japanese Peace Garden, had our treats and chatted.

Walk round the grounds, stopping to watch the croquet players in action, then dropped home for another cuppa tea together.

Haven’t been for ages so quite a few changes and trees cut, maybe due to the last big storm.

Trees beside steps have blossom on them which means another few weeks before the rest of the cherries blossom in the Peace Garden.

Plenty to see as some of the daffodils are out already.

Still a bit chilly for sitting long and the sun didn’t stay out for long.

Not best of selfies as I couldn’t see the screen properly.

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