Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Flowering Currant

I had a lazy start again today which was nice.
I sorted out the sitting room once I surfaced. Ali and her two girls are staying over tonight in a familiarisation exercise. The girls are staying with us Sunday till Tuesday next month as their parents are away so we thought a wee practise would be good.
I went down to Waitrose after lunch to buy son getting ready for tea and have a wander. It cost me a fortune! Jacob G said that, several of the things I bought I would normally buy in Tesco and they were cheaper in Waitrose. I find butter in particular is tricky. Some companies are still selling 250and 500g packs others have moved to 200 and 400g. You have to look really carefully.
Today's blip is of a flowering currant in the garden. I pruned it hard last Autumn so it's a bit sparse just now. It's a very pretty flower but not one for cutting and bringing into the house because of its smell. You only do that once!
The girls will be arriving soon so time to get dinner underway.
Hopefully we'll have a quiet night and morning as they stay here while mum goes to work.

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