Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Yesterday I noticed that all my little patches of miniature iris in my big pollinator garden were in bloom.  They always catch me by surprise as they bloom earlier than the mini iris right next to the house.  Because there is a lot of leaf little in the garden, I don't notice the little shoots of greenery in that location so the flowers are just suddenly there one day.  It made me so happy to see them yesterday and I made a note to go out and try to get some pics today to mark the occasion.  A fabulous bonus that there were quite a few honey bees visiting the flowers this afternoon.  I spent a lot of time crouched in the leaf litter, happily snapping away.  Always so fun to see the first bees of the year.  Soon, the big queen bumble bees will start coming out of their winter dens, along with all the smaller bees.  Happy days!

Of course, after crouching in the garden I will now have to do a thorough tick check.  Spring is the absolute worst time of year for ticks here as the young (nymphs) wake up very hungry and spend their time seeking blood.  They are one of my least favorite insects, to be honest.  In fact, I don't think I have ever photographed one - just because I really don't like them.

Jax is at day care today for his weekly day of play.  They've already posted pics of him playing with his "girlfriend" who is there every Thursday.  He'll be pooped tonight!

I took advantage of a dog-free day to mop the wood floors.  My hands have been quite painful lately so mopping was even less fun than usual.  But it's done.  


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