IT WAS A BIT LIKE BUSES... the Community Fridge today - you don’t see one for ages, then two come along at once!!
Today at the Community Fridge we celebrated two birthdays, and what a celebration we had - and I think “Happy Birthday” was sung at least four times!
Hilary’s birthday was today - you can see her at the bottom right just about to blow a candle out on the cake that some of the customers bought for her. She came laden with birthday cakes - and I have to say they were delicious - and yes, I can vouch for that because I tried them all. The coffee sponge was a delight, the chocolate cake was enormous and tasty, with extra chocolate on the top for decoration - and the fruit cake was wonderful. Hilary kindly sent a piece home for Mr. HCB and he agreed with me! Just looking at my collage again, I can't imagine why I didn't take a photograph of the cakes!!
Angie who is celebrating the 29th anniversary of her 21st birthday tomorrow had made sausage rolls - and those, too, were delicious, so we were all well fed today. Angie is at the bottom right, holding one of her gifts, a porcelain cat.
We had lots of lovely food at the Community Fridge today, as you can see, but I spent a lot of my time chatting in the café and then in the kitchen. We don’t lose sight of the fact that the Community Fridge is a “Church” based organisation and on several occasions, I was able to chat about my faith. There was lots of laughter and it is good to see people enjoying themselves. Mind you, the weather has a great part to play in that - it was a beautiful sunny, if slightly chilly day, but at lease our customers didn’t get soaking wet waiting for the doors to open.
Everyone “mucked in” and lots of jobs got done, from bagging up rice and flour and chatting to customers, with others in the store room putting together the Bags of Hope to be delivered in the next few days.
We wish Hilary and Angie the happiest of birthdays - thank you for sharing it with us at the Community Fridge and may you be truly blessed in the coming year. M xx
P.S. Good job my doctor didn't see how much cake I ate today!! She was pleased that I have lost weight and that my cholesterol has gone down considerably, but didn't want to change my Statins because she said they all have some side effects. She has suggested I see her again in 5-6 months and she will review the situation again. She also thinks that once I am able to get out and exercise more, I won't feel so sleepy!
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