Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Colourful Character

A laptop I've had a few years needed changing for a few reasons and a shop in Ross on Wye (Herefordshire, UK) did a deal on a newer second hand one that's got a better spec's and will keep me going a few years.

I had half hour to spend whilst I waited to collect it and had a walk around the town, and started chatting to an antique dealer and took his photo'. He mentioned he was on The Antiques Road show last week (it can be watched on i-player) so I'll see if I can find it.

W-I-D-E on Wednesday Challenge Results..

This week's theme is 'person or people' and I eventually narrowed my choices to the below.

1.  RHelena                           In Pink
2.  JohnParke                       Walker
3.  SofiaVallanueva               Children Playing
4.  SeriousFrolic                   Park Bench
5.  RMeinz                             Quayside Steps

Honourable Mentions...

DonnaWanna                      Cafe view
MartinDawe                         Lady Walker
CaliforniaGirl1                     Thai Lunch
ChrisP                                   Bench Life
Mambo                                 Bradford Centre (B&W)

Thanks to all who tagged blips for the challenge.

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