
By H22

Place: Ashburn, VA 35/52
Main activity: Thurs - around the house
Notes: Didn't sleep as well laid there awhile before getting up. Decided to start the day w/ qigong and stretch yoga as it's been awhile. Was holding out to see if I felt like playing pickleball but the round robin was full. Cleaned Chloe's butt more and she let me. Late coffee and online in the morning - did more work for Michelle D. Mom's hip replacement surgery was said to go well. Got a short text from her later, she was pretty tired. Ate ~3-4p: beef & veggies from freezer and beef & veggies leftover from last night w/ Michelle. Took the garbage and recycling out, shower around 5p. Sun out late aft/early evening and seemed mild. My mushroom coffee came as well as the other Adidas court shoes in light gray (just ok looking as they have a weird peach-pink accent color). Quiet night watching shows, texted with Mom a little.

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