
By PorridgeWog

One year (Day 3594)

Back to the bathroom refit again this morning to do the final bits and pieces. The first hour and a half was spent very slowly and carefully cutting out part of one of the wall studs so that I could re-position the back box the electrician had fitted for the extractor fan isolator. Not his fault, but his positioning of it meant it would have been half in and half out of the panel of wet wall I was to fit above the washbasin. Slow and steady was the only way to go with it, rather than rushing and botching something that will be seen from the bathroom door. With that done, I got the wet wall panel on. Vertical stripes meant I had to go very slow and steady with it to make sure it fitted properly, was centered on the tap and was absolutely plumb. I made a reasonably good job of it.
There were a few other minor things to do, but I was finished around noon, and zoomed off to collect stuff from the merchant. Home for lunch, just missing seeing my beautiful wife as she zoomed off to our horses.
After lunch I made my way to Stromness and changed a fill valve for E, a job which has been on the to do list for a week or so.
I headed along to Warebeth next to visit Dad's grave. It is a year today since he died and he and my brother are always rattling around in my head. So many times I have thought I should ask him about something, or he would have liked to see this, or he would have laughed at something or other. I don't really "do" anniversaries/birthdays/Christmases, and today has been no harder or easier than the last 365 days, but it did seem appropriate to visit him. The last year has been tough on all of us left behind, but we keep on keeping on.
From the cemetery, I went to see Mum for a bit of a blether and a catch up.
Dad has a grand view from his resting place.

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