Yoga Hut
We drove home from London yesterday evening and had a few hours to unpack and relax before going to bed.
This morning dawned bright and chilly at zero degrees centigrade. I went off to yoga whilst Andy walked Merlin. The practice today was flowing and involved lots of stretches and balances - all of which I like very much. I’m really enjoying the classes. The teacher is knowledgeable, experienced and has a style that resonates with me more than any teacher I’ve had previously.
Later as we walked Merlin in the meadow a band of heavy grey clouds approached and released a hail storm upon us. It was at this moment that Merlin found a squeaky ball, ran off into the meadow and refused to come back. He eventually succumbed to our calls but not before we were covered in hail and soaking wet. We had a laugh about it once we were home and dry.
My blip shows the path that leads from the car park to our little yoga hut. At the moment it’s lined with snowdrops and primroses.
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