Thursday: A Local Field
A chilly start, a chilly wind too - blowing straight in off the sea but a pleasant day in spite of these!
Went to Lidl for some shopping, MrD bumped into an old work friend as soon as we went inside the shop, I left them talking and was peering into the shelves when my old work friend whom I saw last week snuck up behind me, we had a quick chat then she followed her husband in search of this week’s special garden offers. (I’d bought myself some lily bulbs and Anemone blanda corms.)
Then we bumped into friends from way-back when my brothers and I used to meet up with all our friends at whatever venue had live music, there were a few caravan sites which had clubs, also some pubs, village halls and country estates - the DJs were our friends as were the bouncers / doormen … we had so much fun back then :-)) in fact, one special friend who used to call himself my “minder” is in fact a DNA cousin :-)
After lunch I walked to the top of our road to see if the curlews were in the field, only seagulls today!
Fed the birds and watered some pots with plants in them - sum total of today’s gardening.
Loads of love and hugs to all my family / Cariad Mawr
Nos da pawb / Goodnight all XXXX XXX XX
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