Wick House
A lovely calm day, still cold. Mostly cloudy in the morning, a wet snow shower late on. A lovely sunny afternoon, calm and clear tonight.
I've been working with young Steven today. Delivered wheelie bins first thing, then moved to bulk waste removals from Scalloway, Tingwall and Gulberwick. The afternoon was oil waste collections around Lerwick from the eateries. Walkies with Sammy after work, a cuppa at Madeline's. Nipped down to Jonny's this evening, mam, dad and Laura along, and saw Isaiah and Lena. Last walkies, now feet up.
Hurry up spring, we need you. There is plenty of signs of spring now, seeing lots of daffodils starting to flower, flowering currants nearly in bloom, even the horse chestnuts are nearly blooming. With the frost this morning, there's still a threat of winter, which could easily damage any early buds. It will be good to see more colour in the landscape soon. Winter bare trees still at Wick House, Gulberwick.
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