
No frights from Alexander today.

I did hear some very sad news though. We got a message from HQ at work that Sophie died on Monday. She was another PA, who I worked with a lot when I first started, and she was a totally brilliant person. I had no idea she was ill: we were only saying a couple of weeks ago we hadn't heard much from her recently as she'd moved to another department. I suppose people who worked with her all the time knew, but when you only keep in touch by phone and e-mail you don't hear these things. She was completely batty and incredibly sensible at the same time, and really kind: she sent a present for my baby just before I finished for maternity leave, a book that her daughter loved. Her daughter is only about 8 now, I'm feeling very sad for them. Apparently Sophie suggested that the afterlife for 'people like me' was probably Ikea - I hope hers is!

So I've been thinking how we never seem to spend enough time with our friends or say often how much we like them, so people, rest assured, I mostly love you all!

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