
By waitingtofly

Dropped Will off at nursery then we went to Chiddingstone Castle which was fun.
But the event of the day was meeting this little guy. We went to the hospital so when we met him he was less than 24 hours old. He is an absolute little sweetie and Bek is looking fantastic as well. We hadn’t been there too long and the nurse came with the discharge papers - 24 hours after a c section! Bek could have stayed another night but preferred to come home.
We left them once they were organised and after a little while went to pick up Will. We took him home and left Bek and Ry to introduce Theo to him - Bek said it couldn’t have gone better! Will was so gentle with him and very interested.
We stayed then for a bit so I could give Will a bath.
Hope they get some sleep!

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