
By TitsMcGee

Batsford arboretum

Well after my dismal and frankly quite fruity blip of yesterday I feel I have some ground to make up.

Today myself, my children and my parents ( oooh liking this me, me, me bit!!!!) and the dogs toddled orf to said arboretum, which is very local to mum and dad.

Lovely place to visit.

Children did the bug hunt and even though they are almost 13 and 10 they love it.

This is the second year we've gone.

Billy, the dog lodger, decided to jump into the swamp!!

He stinks....AGAIN!!!

Poor dad did not enjoy it at all...he kept telling people we were lost and how do we find the exit!!

So while mum and children had snacks i took him home, at least mum then got a break.

We spent another hour or so walking around before we too returned home.

I was very snap happy, lots and lots of pics of which I have just popped up a few as I failed yesterday.

It was a very difficult choice.

If you look carefully you can see dad making his escape over the bridge ;-)

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