Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Tania and the moon

I went to Redhead to catch the eclipse.  You had to catch the moon as it was rising out of the sea and by then it had passed the full eclipse.  I have put one of the earlier shots in the first and second extras,  and a big orange much later as the last extra.   Redhead was full of people with the same idea.  Tania, who you see in the main is a budding photographer, born in England but currently living in Sydney.   We got chatting, as you do.  She is currently doing product and brand shots but wants to get into portraits.  It's a hard gig.

Tiny Tuesday

Thanks to everyone who joined in TT this week.   Hearts in no particular order to:

Graphite - c1aire
TT - Mineral - ApolloFly
Tiny Tuesday - Mineral - RHelena
Tiny - BikerBear (also her blipday)
Rock climber - cate1

HMs to:

Mineral - lucari
Minerals - DawnP
Geode - Carolinav
Mineral - Carolina
Bleu meets Red - JoseeSouren1958

Lots of interesting rocks and minerals and so many of you had them handy.  If I was in Sydney I could have raided my mums collection.  Lots of very clever graphite shots too.  Next week, (60plus will correct me if I have this wrong) but I think it is an optional theme of vegetable.  This can be anything related to the plant kingdom.   The Tag is #TT512.   See you then.

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