
By AnnieBelle

Cattleya orchid

Only yesterday this spectacular orchid was still in bud. Today it is in full bloom and already a bug has had a nibble. The Resident Gardener wasted no time bringing it inside where it graces the plant stand in safety.

The only thing the RG doesn't like about the photo is that the flower's large size is not obvious. I'm not one to wreck a pic by putting things like a coin or Biro next to my subjects for scale but I can measure them. If you mentally trace a circle about the flower's extremities its diameter would be about 12cm/five inches.

Google Lens IDs this orchid as the Cattleya De Loris Ziegfeld. Serious Frolic and her Mr gifted it to us years ago and every year it flowers, due to the RG's magic touch. 

Thanks for hosting BikerBear. 

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