Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Busy as bees...

Another beautiful day here in northern NJ and the garden was buzzing with honey bees trying to get every last bit of pollen from the irises.  Jax has enjoyed hanging outside with me although he is not at all certain about bees.  Unlike our last dog who relished grabbing bees and wasps right out of the air and eating them, Jax doesn't care for the buzzing and usually removes himself, sometimes after curling his lips at them (which, if I am being honest, is seriously cute).  

I had an excellent yoga practice this morning with lots of time spent on hip flexors and hamstrings, both areas that tend to get very tight and painful for me.  I now feel like a well-oiled machine!  

The Great Egg Shortage is making itself felt in much higher prices at the grocery store.  I've been buying our eggs from local farmers/backyard flocks for years because the eggs are so much fresher and tastier, and never minded that they cost a little more.  Shockingly, now those same straight-from-the-farm eggs are less expensive than what's on offer at the grocery store.  Which is all a long way of saying that I went out to a local farm to get eggs today.  

Virtual cocktails with my besties tonight which is always fun.  Peggy has been in Arizona all winter so we've missed our usual get-togethers this winter.  Having regular virtual gatherings is a nice way to stay connected.  

I promise to look for something other than bees on iris tomorrow.  Maybe.


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