Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

74. Everyday

I wish we could pick the food that we eat every day. Boo could have literally spent all day picking berries and beans, but I had to slow him down and eventually prize him away because a) we couldn't afford to buy the whole crop and b) we would have jams and crumbles coming out of our ears. Bash had fun too, he kept shouting "bah-bees" from the sling, whilst thrashing about with his arm outstretched. Took me a while to realise that he was telling us he wanted to pick "bah-bees" too. He loved pulling them off the branches and dropping them into Boo's pot. Boo enjoyed podding all of the broad beans and then steaming them for dinner, and Bash 'helped' me by squishing all of the raspberries for a crumble. A very wholesome afternoon :D

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