It was great to meet up with Barrioboy, Digitaldaze and their good pal Dot for a meal in Ella. Organised by Alf (who's out of shot here, along with DaveH). Bb and I worked out that we'd last met f2f in 2010, at a Blip event in Inspace which was up near Bristo Square somewhere. Around the time when they were assembling the life.turns video (see Vimeo link on my profile page, which amazingly still works!)
Food was good, but restaurant very busy and we were sitting by the main door which kept opening and shutting (the latter not always completely) and putting Dot in a terrible cold draught. After eating we ambled out to look for a warm pub that had some space to sit. Found ourselves in Robbies, which we hadn't been to in ages - still an excellent howff. There was a slight undercurrent of tension as the match at EEP was live on screen, and the two Fifers present (DH and Dd) support different sides! The Wee team won 2-0 so there was no doubt dancing in the streets of Raith......
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