The answer is no

Hi everyone!

So, it's made headlines that the pass rate for Scottish exams are at an all time high - yay! However, this article was on the bbc news website, as well as in a few newspapers. Let me tell you, those exams are anything but easy! We spend almost two years focusing on them (4 for Maths and English), and the few months leading up to them are very intense. We do loads of past papers and learn a lot of techniques, and what the questions mean, how to answer them, what we will and won't get marks for, etc.

I hate articles like this, and in a poll in a newspaper, about 60% of readers agreed. They're just jealous because we've done better than them, but it makes me, and many others feel really demoralised, as if our achievement aren't worth much. No doubt in my mind that most people who agree with this wouldn't be able to pass any of the exams we did, even if they studied as hard as we did for them. I'm gonna leave it there, because I'm feeling really angry!

Have a nice Thursday!

Steven :)

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