
By aryomjapes

I didn't scan the QR code...

For I'm familiar with the history of car factories in Longbridge. It's just the first time I've ever walked through the tunnel from what is now a retail park, to notice this before. 

I had decided that in the current era, of all out bin strikes in my city, doing what I call cul-de-sac walking is a no-go. It's hard enough walking along pavements in side roads and cul-de-sacs in this city without the main bins being constantly on the pavements in the hopes that they will get emptied. Only household waste bins are to be put out, in theory, but not everyone has got the message that recycling has been suspended until this is all over. As has garden waste collections for those of us who pay for that. Maybe don't get me started on the the facts that those of us without cars are not allowed to go to household recycling centres, the nearest one to me has just closed for refurbishment, and the occasional pop up mobile household waste trucks (about once a month in random places) are at stupid times for those who work full time. 

Today's seven miles was a bit of a route march along main roads which went across three different pages on the A-Z and most pleasingly meant I've almost completed one page by filling in a few gaps on a main road where I'd meandered off onto the side roads which I definitely only wanted to walk just the once, and I've started two more pages. It was actually all a lot more scenic and quiet than this picture suggests! 

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