A new hotel
After yesterday’s excitement life has returned to normal and JJ has taken Liam to golf, which left me free to wander.
I haven’t walked through the wood for months but headed that way after donning my wellies and wrapping up warm. It’s very claggy in places with standing water, but where the sun manages to break through it’s reasonably ok.
The primroses are out and the bluebell leaves are well advanced. I heard a couple of nuthatches and at the back of the pond I saw a chiffchaff flitting through the branches above my head.
Someone has created a bug hotel post and put it on the path behind the pond, so I thought I’d make a collage of the three interesting sides for today’s blip.
Towels out and dried in the sun, which is also streaming in through all the south facing windows now the trees have been pollarded. What a difference. The pigeons are sulking and haven’t returned. Nor have I seen any squirrels, which now can’t leap from one tree to another.
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